Cynthia Martinez is a Colombian photographer, based in Paris, who works with mixed media and art direction. Most of her projects are inspired by nature. 
She is Graduated from EFTI Madrid Photography School in 2021, after completing a professional cycle of Interior Design at IED Barcelona, in 2018. 
By acquiring new skills and reflecting on her projects, she has been steadily advancing her photographic practice over the past years. Her methods can be describe as experimentations of new things through the composition of the image itself either through installations, abstraction of a shape or the exaltation of a simple form. 
Over the past years, Cynthia has actively participated in various projects as a photographer and creative in both Europe and Asia.

Exhibitions and publications.

•FAPA 2023/2024: Nominee in the 10th edition of Fine Art Photography Awards, category Abstract
 Interview SxS Gallery Shanghai
 The Dialogue of Colours Exhibition. SxS Gallery Shanghai: 
 Group Exhibition 2023 - 2024 Espace Vision'Art Paris Photography & Digital Art
reFocus awards 2023: Honorable mention World Photo Annual
Marika Magazine: Issue 4056 - June 2023
reFocus awards 2023: Nomination and Honorable mention Color Photography, Abstract category
•Photography in the Visual Culture, second edition 2023: 
  Book publication and Exhibition at Centro Internazionale Di Fotografía. Palermo - Italy
•Artdoc Magazine issue #5, 2022 Inspiration feature
•Artdoc: Colors of Life Exhibition 2022 
•Artdoc: Experimental Photography online exhibition 2022
•FAPA 2021/2022: Nominee Abstract category
•Artdoc member feature page 2021 
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